¡Hola a todos!

Hace tiempo que no hago un nuevo capítulo del podcast.

Pero hoy es el día.

Lo que pasa es que llevo un par de semanas de viaje en Asia.

Y claro, con tanto que ver por aquí, no estoy haciendo mucho trabajo ni en el blog ni en el podcast.

Pero sí tengo unos videos nuevos y hoy hacemos un nuevo podcast también.

Tienes enlace a los videos al final. Escucha el podcast aquí mismo, si quieres…

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Aquí el texto, si también quieres leer…

Aventuras en Asia

A few weeks ago I left Barcelona and flew to India.

After two long flights, a layover in Dubai, and no sleep at all, I landed in Mumbai.

The word that absolutely everyone uses to describe Mumbai is “chaotic”. And it’s true. In a lot of places there are no sidewalks, no traffic lights, and thosuands of cars honking their horns constantly. People cross the street wherever they want. And there’s really not much to see in the city.

It’s nothing like Europe. And there aren’t very many foreign tourists. Actually, it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen.

Anyway, my girlfriend came to meet me in Mumbai, and we spent a few days exploring the city. I also saw a friend who lives there. I ate street food, and got a little bit sick. But it’s not a big deal.

After that, we flew down to Goa, which is much more rural. We spent a couple of days in Panaji, and then spent Christmas and the New Year in Anjuna. Those are beach towns — dusty places with lots of cows and a lot fewer people.

una vaca en la india

I enjoyed Anjuna a lot. The food was pretty good, but not great. It turns out that most Indian food is nothing like you get in restaurants in Europe or the US. But all in all, it was a very interesting experience.

After Anjuna, we caught an overnight flight to Bangkok, Thailand.

I was very surprised at how much I liked Bangkok. We stayed there for 5 nights, and I felt like it wasn’t enough. The food in Thailand is very good, and very cheap. We ate a lot of street food in Bangkok, and it was all great.

And the architecture on the Grand Palace and the big Buddhist temples is amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it.

After 5 nights in Bangkok, we took a short flight to Koh Samui, an island in the south of Thailand. And that’s where I am now. It’s a beautiful tropical paradise, and it’s very hot. Actually, it’s been hot everywhere we’ve been. But here in Koh Samui it’s really, really hot. And humid. But it’s still beautiful, and I’m enjoying it a lot.

Did I mention that this is my first time in Asia?

Yes. It is. But I’m really impressed. I’m sure I’ll be back here as soon as I can.

But in the meantime, I’ll soon be returning to my “normal” life in Barcelona.

Have fun, wherever you are!

Vocabulario del texto…

Hay mucho vocabulario ahí en el texto. Aquí tienes algunas de las palabras más complicadas.

flight = vuelo

layover = escala

traffic lights = semáforos

sidewalks = aceras

honking their horns = tocando el claxon

it’s not a big deal = no es gran cosa

dusty = polvoriento

amazing = increíble, asombroso

in the meantime = mientras tanto

as soon as I can = tan pronto como pueda

En fin… o algo así

Espero que te haya gustado el texto de hoy.

Para mucho más, suscríbete al podcast en el plataforma que más te guste. Está en Spotify, en Apple Podcasts y en otros sitios aquí mismo.

En muchos capítulos leo pequeños textos, en otros explico pronunciación y gramática.

Disfruta, y hasta la próxima.


P.D. Puedes ver mucho más en los videos que hice ahí en India, y también en Bangkok. Echa un vistazo en Youtube. ¡Gracias!

About the Author Daniel Welsch

Autor de 15+ libros para hispanohablantes, podcaster, creador de cursos.

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