Daniel Welsch


¡Hola de nuevo!

Hoy tengo otro listening en inglés, esta vez con mi amiga Seonaid.

He hablado muchas veces de Seonaid, porque es una de mis personas favoritas. Es la leyenda detrás de la web Perfect-English-Grammar.com y todo un fenómeno a la hora de enseñar gramática.

Y además, es buena amiga.

Así que le he pedido hablar un poco sobre su vida en el podcast, para que escuches otro acento que el mío.

Esta foto la saqué con Seonaid hace un par de años en la isla de Tenerife, en Canarias.

Aquí puedes escuchar el podcast que ha grabado Seonaid, después de una pequeña introducción mía.

En fin, aquí el texto…

Seonaid’s Story

Hello everybody. My name is Seonaid.

I’m an English teacher like Daniel, except I have a British accent. I was born and raised in Scotland, but I’ve lived in London for a long time, so my accent is more or less kind of standard British now with a few little Scottish parts.

When I left Scotland, as a young adult, I traveled a lot.

I really liked traveling. I really liked different cultures. I lived in France, I lived in Japan, I lived in South Korea and New Zealand and Australia.

And this is how I got into English teaching because if you’re a native English speaker and you travel, it’s quite easy often to start teaching English as a way to earn a little bit of extra money.

And so that’s what I did and I found that I really, really liked it. And so I eventually came back to London, where I still live now and I kept going with English teaching.

And this is how pretty much my whole career developed. And now I actually write grammar materials for English students.

I’ve been in London for a long time. I really, really like London. It’s such an interesting and vibrant and cosmopolitan and varied and interesting city. I just love it’s energy. I love all the different people here. I love how everything’s always changing. There’s always something new. I love all the different restaurants, the coffee shops, the theatres. It’s such a familiar, fabulous city.

Especially, I grew up in the, in the countryside and I find living in a city just utterly wonderful, especially such a big city.

I know a lot of people complain about the weather here. For me this is so much, not a problem because I grew up in Scotland where it’s much colder and darker and wetter than here.

So for me, the weather in London seems really very warm, very warm and dry and sunny and even sometimes a little too warm because I’m quite a wuss about very hot weather. So I’m quite glad that it doesn’t get super, super hot here.

Apart from these things, I’m married, I have two children. I still love traveling as much as I can. I love learning languages. When I was in France, I learned a decent amount of French, which I can still speak.

When I was in Japan, I learned Japanese, but I’ve unfortunately forgotten. I think all of that. I’ve learned a little Spanish. I lived for a short time in Seville and for a short time in Salamanca, and I can, this was a long time ago, but I can more or less order in a restaurant.

That’s about the extent of my Spanish, unfortunately. At the moment I’m working on learning German. I quite like talking about English grammar in my job. And I also quite like learning about German grammar for fun. Perhaps that’s a little bit of a strange thing, but that’s what I like doing.

And apart from that I’m very glad to have ended up here where I can use languages every day to make a living for my hobby and for my work, and I count myself super, super lucky.

It was lovely to meet you all. Bye bye.

¿Quieres aprender más inglés?

Tengo otras amigas que han hecho capítulos de mi podcast.

Aqui tienes Lily, de Taiwan, y aquí Cepee, de Texas.

Y si quieres ver todos los capítulos del podcast, están en Apple Podcasts, en Spotify, y en muchos sitios más.

Nada más por hoy.

Espero que pases un buen día.

Buen aprendizaje,


P.D. Si tienes una historia que contar y quieres estar en mi podcast, avísame en la página de contacto. También si tienes alguna pregunta interesante sobre el inglés. ¡Gracias!

About the Author Daniel Welsch

Autor de 15+ libros para hispanohablantes, podcaster, creador de cursos.

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