About the Author Daniel Welsch

Autor de 15+ libros para hispanohablantes, podcaster, creador de cursos.

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  1. good morning in my town, i dont know that time is?, first to all congratulation for your website, the content is great, but my problem is that for me is difucult speak english whit other peoples, if you have some advice will be great, thanks again, regards.

  2. Hola muy buena clase, me ha ayudado muchoooo, estoy estudiando English, y hay veces se me hace difícil entender ciertas cosas? saludes teacher

  3. Hi Daniel,
    In this video you say “I’m sick of you” means “estoy harto de ti”, my question is: it’s possible to say “I’m hed up” to say the same thing? I mean, to say “estoy harto”?

    Just curiosity!
    Thank you very much and congratulations for your videos!

    1. Hey Mercedes,

      “I’m fed up with you!” se puede decir, y significa más o menos lo mismo… Pero a mi me suena más fuerte decir “I’m sick of you”.

      Thanks for commenting!

  4. Thank you Daniel!

    For me, phrasal verbs are a headache but your explanations are clear and precise. Thank you for the time and effort.

    Have a great day!!!

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